How the CCP is Closing China
Forty years of opening and reform persuaded a lot of people that the Chinese are not really communists. But modern China was modelled on the USSR, and its leaders want to revert to their Leninist roots.

As China’s economy continues a tailspin that is increasingly obvious to outsiders, the rest of the world asks: what will happen? Will the government ‘reform’ the economy and make people happy again? Will the people revolt? Will there be a ‘lost decade’ (as in Japan)? China is reverting to greater social control, even at the cost of incoming investment. But is this reversion intended to be temporary? What lies in the near future?
The answer is likely more repression, impoverisation and control by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). China’s political system is fundamentally Marxist-Leninist and, as such, relies on atomisation of the public and isolation from the outside world to maintain power.