Brooklyn Baby
Finding the grit in Brooklyn's gentrification.
Finding the grit in Brooklyn's gentrification.
Science and superstition collided when an apocalypse was predicted to strike the United States in December 1919.
Mark Twain painted an evocative vision of the Mississippi River, but he didn’t tell the whole story.
1964 was the first time Indians were mentioned in a State of the Union address, not as belligerent enemies or a 'problem'.
How the Nazi persecution of Jews shaped the African-American freedom struggle.
The role of women in the Ku Klux Klan is often neglected, but they were key players at all levels.
These Truths: a History of the United States by Jill Lepore is a reminder of how tenaciously previous generations have clung to the view that the country is the ‘last, best hope of earth’.
At the beginning of the 20th century, there were 16 empires of varying size and reach. At the end of the century, there was just one: the United States. How did this happen and what role did Britain play in smoothing America’s path to global hegemony?
James K. Polk’s first State of the Union Address, on 2 December 1845, promoted the concept that the US should encompass all of North America.
Blessed with beauty and wealth, California fails to come to terms with its past.